屡次获奖的西安锅巴厂改造终于呈现在这个历史悠久的城市。针对这个特殊的位置,设计从更宏观的角度将这个可能被遗忘的角落以新的姿态展现出来。在平衡新旧建筑,城市慢行可达性后,规划引入新的轴线关系将原本隐藏的历史记忆呈现为新的城市节点。配合新经济定位的年轻能量趋势,这个不设边界限制的场所为西安带来独特的沉浸体验。建筑设计本身也综合考虑了旧建筑的特质,并增加新建筑元素微妙的带动整个区域的核心关注点。 对于这个特别的案例,我们相信一个不留痕迹的设计会更好地将过去焕然新生。

The multi awards winner, XIAN GUO BA FACTORY RENOVATION project finally opened to the public at this historical city. Given the location and site nature, the design approach was taken in broader view to reborn this forgotten area. After embracing new and old, and the city connectivities, the master planning brought in new axis to transfer the hidden memories to the new and vibrant city nodes. With young and energetic new economy trade mix positioning, this No-Boundary-Space presented the unique immersive experience in Xian. The architecture respected the old buildings, and implanted in the new elements to be the leading focal points in the area. For this particular case, we believe the better design is to transform the past to a new life seamlessly and tracelessly.
NEWS’ roles are masterplanning and architecture design.