Located in the Hangzhou east station, the gateway buildings at east station district. The plot ratio at two plots are different. And one of them is further divided into two by the axis.
It was the challenge and opportunity to integrate the decentralized plots and functions differences. By respecting the plot density, the design defined modern metropolitan city and leisure precinct at these two plots, two quite different styles. The design believes that the success of destination is a combination of modern and historical memories.
Historical memory should not only in the appearance, but the space inheritance. In these design principles, the main spine linked series of the courtyards, which connecting the seemingly disparate functions together. The way of exploring individual identification in the united building image created the subtle space stories.
位于杭州东站, 为东站片区的门户建筑。两块地密度一高一低。其中一块被中轴分为两块, 将分散和功能差异大的用地整合设计是规划设计中的挑战和机会。充分利用密度的高低, 将两块用地分为现代都市和休闲街区两种看似不通的风格。设计相信成功的目的地是集现代和历史回忆的结合。历史回忆不应只在表象, 而是空间上的承传, 本着这样的设计原则, 利用动线关系创造出一系列游走空间的院子。将看似不同特点的建筑结合。这种整体中有个性的打造产生了微妙的动线和空间故事。
在收放不等的空间穿插庭院, 广场, 下沉广场和动静之别的公共和半公共场所。将街区带到地下一层, 作为极制的上下贯通的街区商业。在办公集合的北区地块也在地下让出一个门厅, 为办公附加业态和业态转移带来可能性。中轴将南北地块打断, 设计利用分段, 围合手法将人体尺度赋予回来。也为室外空间上打造不同的氛围。在探索商业综合体发展中这是一个尝试, 以尽可能的空间变化,在有序地情况下带来无限的体验可能。